With a lot of thanks to Jack Goossens, Amsterdam, I can now offer the first comprehensive and computerized Morphy game collection. morphy.pgn contains all of Morphy's surviving 415 games - 253 regular games, 156 odds games, and 6 game positions - in the chronological order of the standard works by Maroczy (1909) and Sergeant (1916, 1930). In a separate gamefile, pmorphy.pgn, are Morphy's 59 games from what we would consider serious events now: the tournament in New York (1857) and the matches against Löwenthal, Harrwitz, Anderssen (1858) and Mongredien (1859). Morphy's combined score in these games was +42 =9 -8.
If you have a Java-enabled browser, and some patience, you can view these 59 games (the default), or all of the 415 games on line with the PGN-viewer below. Click the small window if you want to change files.
You can also download the zip-files. I do not know how the 'FEN-notation' (for the odds games and the game positions) will behave with all the different chess databases and converting programs, and you may have to edit the morphy.pgn file before you can use it. It's a simple text file, but be sure to save it as plain ASCII.
Download (59 official games)
Download (all 415 games)
Playing over those games, one gets the impression that Morphy, in contrast to his contemporaries, understood chess. He played natural moves and saw very clearly, and that alone put him in a class by himself. If many games seem silly, he had poor opponents. In his whole life, he didn't play more than 20 or 30 games against players worthy of him. If only he could have played Pillsbury, Tarrasch, Steinitz, Lasker...
Where to put him in history? Among the greats, on a par with Lasker and Capablanca. Morphy was better than Anderssen, who held his own against Steinitz - who won games against Lasker when he was almost 60, and Lasker not yet 30. And Morphy was a year younger than Steinitz! Had circumstances permitted him to devote himself to chess, he would have been World Champion until Tarrasch or Lasker beat him.
In Hastings 1895, at 58, he would have celebrated his last, great victory, ahead of all the young dogs.Top of the page | Main chess page | Main page |
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