Chess Query Language The magic wand to find themes in databases
CQL Forum Discussions about Chess Query Language
Creative Workshop of Leonid Yarosh Home of the Babson Task
Harold van der Heijden The Endgame Study Guru
ARVES The Dutch Society for Endgame Studies
Sammler und Sammlungen A collection of collections (of studies and problems)
Chess History Center Richard Forster's site for historical research
Culture et curiosités de l'échiquier A rich website about chess in cultural perspective by Dany Sénéchaud. In French.
Play Chess with God Ken Thompson's 6-men databases
Steffen Jakob The Halloween Attack in the Four Knight's Game
The Kirsan Ilyumzhinov site Information about the young President
DutchBase Dutch chess history for downloading
University of Pittsburgh Games collections, and more
Lars Balzer Games downloading eldorado
Chess on Stamps Comprehensive philatelistic chess site
Chessbookshop Karel Mokry's chess bookshop
Chess Archaeology Historical articles
"My obsession with chess" Scott McCloud - comics
Diaz Chess cartoons
Jon Levitt's Chess Pages Grandmaster, composer, writer
Mat Plus Problemist's mecca
Problémiste Problems program & databases
Chess Explorer A nice problem solving program
Retrograde Analysis Corner Far from the bed of the ordinary chessplayer
Rebel My longtime analysing partner
EPD2DIA Diagram editor 
Norresundby Chess Club Diagrams, chess fonts, other chess graphics software
Palview Diagrams that come alive in your pages

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