Timman - Greben 0-1
Khanyan - 51 consecutive checks *
Kamody - Proof game al-Hajiri in 32 *
Lont - Black to play and draw ½-½
Gorgiev - White to play and draw ½-½
Badai - White to play and draw ½-½
Bondarenko and Kuznetsov - White to play and win 1-0
Jaenisch - White to play and win 1-0
Lahtonen - 50 consecutive checks ½-½
Lahtonen - 50 consecutive checks *
Heinonen - 49 consecutive checks *
Heinonen - 48 consecutive checks *
Bader al-Hajiri - Proof game Heinonen-49 *
Bader al-Hajiri - Proof game Heinonen-48 *
Bader Al-Hajiri - Proof game Christmas puzzle *
Beuman - Proof game in 33 *
Van Essen - Proof game in 33 *
Heimo - Proof game in 33 *
Lahtonen - Proof game in 33 *
Guthrie - Proof game in 33 *
Bosch - Proof game in 33 *
Bakke - Proof game in 33 *
Richter - Proof game in 33 (1) *
Richter - Proof game in 33 (2) *
Richter - Proof game in 33 (3) *
Boxebeld - Proof game in 33 *
Kulaots - Luukkonen 0-1
Karjakin - Shirov ½-½
Jukes - Pinch 0-1
Ahn - Ruck 0-1
Pirozhkov - Remizov 1-0
De Barberis - Musso 0-1
Perry - Willmatch 1-0
Rozentalis - Mikenas 1-0
González - Rodriguez Águila 1-0
Frangen - 17 discovered checks *
Bader al-Hajiri - proof game Frangen-17 *
Heinonen - 15 discovered checks *
Bader al-Hajiri - proof game Heinonen-15 *
Khanyan - 17 discovered checks *
Lahtonen - 17 discovred checks *
Belson - Opsahl 1-0
Bronstein - Boleslavsky 1-0
Chigorin - Steinitz ½-½
Schmitt - Panzalovic ½-½
Crouch - Stevenson 1-0
Polgar - Bacrot 0-1
Cherniaev - Colure 1-0
Willim - Franz 1-0
Leko - Ivanchuk 0-1
Parr - Sommerville ½-½
Capablanca - Treybal 1-0
Petrosian - Petrovsky 1-0
Anand - Kasparov 1-0
Smith - Burwick 0-1
Fressinet - Kosteniuk 0-1
Nakamura - Fluvia 1-0
Krasenkow - Nakamura 0-1
Minerva - record mutual stalemate ½-½
Montgomery - mutual stalemate ½-½
Gik - mutual stalemate ½-½